How to Sew Reusable Cloth Napkins

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This easy project was born during quarantine. We were completely out of napkins, running low on paper towels, and there were no paper products to be found. We had plenty of fabric scraps hanging around from old projects, and were on the hunt for projects to do with our kids. These diy reusable cloth napkins are a great beginning sewing project! Check out our simple tutorial below. If you have made our homemade baby blankets before, this is just a miniature version of that project.

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How to Sew Reusable Cloth Napkins


two squares of 9x9 cotton blend fabric


sewing machine


straight pins


Pin fabric squares together, right sides facing towards each other.

Sew around the edges of the fabric leaving a 3 inch gap.

Stick your fingers in the fabric gap and pull the fabric through to turn the napkin right side out.

Sew around the edges again, this time with out leaving a gap. Sew a couple stitches in the very center to help the napkin keep its form after washing.

That’s it! Easy peasy!

Check out some of our other homemaking hacks and family helps below:

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Hillary HessComment