The Art Habit for Moms and Nature Journaling - Hannah Stevenson (Episode #12)

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Meet Hannah.

She has the most beautiful soul. One visit to her website: will be all you need to see the loveliness she captures and creates around her. She is the creator of The Art Habit for Moms: How to Cultivate a Creative Practice in the Midst of Busy Motherhood- FREE e-course! I've taken this course and I'm completely inspired by all the wonderful information and insights that she gives. Make sure you check it out. 

Enter this week’s GIVEAWAY for a $30 Gift Card to Hannah's Lily & Thistle site!! (And keep reading for another offer from Hannah!!)

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1. Subscribe, rate and review our podcast on Apple Podcasts. Visit this link if you need a tutorial on how to listen to and subscribe to a podcast on Apple Podcasts.


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Also! Hannah has another offer for us!!

She wants all of the listeners to have a 20% discount off her products on her site (lily & thistle)- just for listening! So when you check out, use the code: arthabit (no spaces), to claim your 20%off.

Make sure you check out our site for more podcasts, family helps, recipes and travel tips.

Paper Dolls

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Hannah also creates and sells paper dolls. You can find a link to her Etsy shop, featured in our article: 15 Screen Free Travel Activities For Kids

Nature Journaling

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Hannah also has a helpful guide on How to Start a Nature Journal. She is great at including her children as well.

Her ideas have brought confidence to her children- especially her daughters with dyslexia- and peace into her home. I want to be just like Hannah!!

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